Episode - III

Do you homo sapiens know, 1 human year equals 7 dog years? Which implies, the love or hate that you show, lasts longer with us than the actual time you were involved yourselves in it. Initially disturbed by the pain from the paintbox guys, eventually faded away as I moved my focus on whats up front and not behind me. "Thank me not for this free advice.. hehe hee".

Midnights could turn to be a living hell for many of us. The number of feet we see immediately reduces. There prevails a different silence, suddenly disturbed by fast moving 4 wheelers and annoyingly honking 3 wheelers. With all these said this time of the day never ceases to provide us the meal we needed. With little bit of search and scraping, our tummies will always be full. The sweepers with yellow gloves join us for the dinner, not by eating, but serving us with the spilled and left overs.

Saturday nights would be real worst nightmares for all of us. The very food which was taken in, will somehow be spilled on the floor with the stomach open along with the blood scattered around. Yes, you read it rite. A 4 wheeler would have ran over any of us. In the race between the burp and our last breathe, burp seldom wins. We would never have the chance to say goodbyes. 

The same hands which provided us with food, will be the one to clean the dead from the very same roads.

Hope the answer is served for your question-- "Why are these mad dogs chasing our vehicle?"

For those who missed:
Episode - 1, click here
Episode - 2, click here


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